Getting prepared for a busy back to school week... Extended hours will be available starting Monday, August 31 - Sunday September 6 (7am - 11pm including Sun). I WILL NOT BE WORKING ON MON SEPT 7 AND NO LONG DISTANCE APPOINTMENTS. Specials will be posted Sunday Aug 30th and all appointments must be scheduled online at I will gladly assist with scheduling online if needed. Please schedule braid services early in the week; no all day braid services will be accepted Fri - Sun. Online appointments scheduled prior to the specials being posted will be adjusted to reflect the discounted price. Please book responsibly and I look forward to a successful upcoming school year!
TUES SEPT 1 WILL BE RESERVED FOR MY BTS STYLES FOR GRADES PROGRAM RECIPIENTS. There are a few slots left for students in need. Email me for more info. Also, this is the perfect time to donate to my Styles For Grades Program at
Complete program details can be found HERE

Since I started the program in 2009, I have been using all of my tips and a small percentage of my earnings to purchase the necessary supplies for participants in the program. I started with about 60 participants in 2009 and had grown to about 280 participants in 2012, and I have worked with an additional 56 students in the 2014-15 school year! Please consider donating to the program. Donations assist with hair, supplies, certificates and other miscellaneous expenses for participants in the program; as well as, participation in back to school, prom, graduation, and homecoming events. Donations can be made via PayPal by clicking the link below. All transactions are secure.